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Launch announcement

We're announcing a new GLaMS-associated workshop "professional skills" (i.e. tech skills). Attendees of the Lean workshop may be interested in certain sessions in preparation for the projects later. But they are not the only target audience: anybody interested in making use of tech in mathematical research.

Time, Location and Zoom

The workshop will run in a hybrid format fortnightly on Tuesday afternoons at 3:30pm - 5pm, starting on February 6.

In Edinburgh, this will take place in room 5.45 in Bayes. You can also join online on zoom:

  • zoom link
  • password: check email to glams mailing list

If you can't make a session you're interested in, there will also be recaps posted.


The first session will be themed around terminals and shells. Other themes planned in the workshop (intended to be independent) include:

  • version control with Git (useful for Lean4 workshop projects)
    • practicalities with LaTeX projects
  • LaTeX
    • advanced TikZ
    • bibliography practicalities
  • personal/workshop website creation
  • Computer algebra

There is an opportunity to suggest themes in the contact form in the [Keep up to date] section.

Keep up to date

There isn't an expected progression for attendants throughout the workshop sessions. So you are more than welcome to only attend for the occasional session depending on the theme. To keep track of the workshop themes, you can sign up for email updates with this form. Alternatively, you can also check on the announcements page on the website.


The concept of the workshop is to provide a space to spend time learning about tech we wished we knew more about, in a social space with experts around. For this goal, the standard workshop format will start with a short talk based around the theme, to act as an overview rather than a tutorial. This is followed by unstructured time to work on exercise prompts (with wide range of required experience), or bring forward your own projects/issues/discussions.

For a few sessions (at least one), there will instead be showcases from people using technology in their mathematical research for inspiration.