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Workshop 1 - Feb 6

New Week... New Workshop *

* only expect this 50% of weeks

Theme:Terminals and shells
Time:15:30-17:00 - Feb 6
Location:Bayes 5.45 (check email for zoom)

Bring a laptop (that's it). Consider creating a GitHub account (especially on Windows), less important this week but allows you to try software without installing it.

Expect a short intro talk (30mins?) to set the scene, with hopefully a little nugget of something for everyone. Then hang around to try some of the things mentioned in talk (take your pick). There's easy explanatory examples, but also hard exercises. It's an opportunity to chat, ask instructor, ask chatgpt/copilot, and get a feel for what is out there. No need to learn everything in one go.

If you're feeling nosy, take a sneak peek at the exercise prompts for the session.